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⚡ Changes to Custom Field Configuration -5 Sept 2022 🚀 We have changed how the custom field is configured. Instead of using the custom field context, we have provided a dedicated configuration screen for all fields of this type. You can easily migrate your old configuration to the new configuration screen. See Instructions →

The Simple Issue Links add-on provides an alternative and more powerful way to create relationships between issues. It includes the Issue Reference Field Type, which allows users to quickly and easily select an issue from a list generated using a configurable JQL query. The add-on also provides the ability to view and edit these relationships directly from the issue view.

The Issue Reference Field Type is an easy to use alternative to the standard Jira Issue Linking mechanism. It is a simple select list of Jira Issues. The contents of the select list are configured using a JQL statement, allowing users to select from a restricted list of issues.

For example, if you have a project which contains issues representing customers, and another project containing support requests raised by those customers, you can use an Issue Reference Field to establish a relationship between the two issues. You can even use this to automatically trigger the creation of a standard Jira issue link of a defined type.

The Issue Reference Field Type is ideal for building hierarchies, such as Parent Links, Portfolio structures, and Product Release hierarchies. With this tool, you can create multiple fields to store each type of relationship you need. Check out our Use Cases section for more information and examples.

More Examples 🚀 Check out our Use Cases for simple solutions to complex problems Go to Use Cases →

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